What time do events start?
8:30am Kids Mile event, under 13’s only
8:40am Devil parade. The best 10 devil dress-ups will have their entry fee refunded.
8:45am Warm up with MGfitness (designed for 5 & 10km participants)
9:00am Start 21.1km
9:10am Start 12km
9:20am Start 7km
10:30am Presentations
Do I get a medal?
All finishers in all events will receive a medal
When will I receive my race bib?
If you register before 15 July then you can chose to receive your race bib by post. This will be sent approximately 2 weeks before the event.
Everyone else can collect their bib on:
- Saturday August from HockingStuart, 11 Playne Street, Frankston, between 11am and 4pm, or
- Sunday August (race day) from the registration tent at Devilbend Natural Features Reserve from 7am.
Your timing chip is attached to your race bib, must be worn throughout the event and clearly visible on your front.
DO NOT fold your bib as you may damage the chip. Replacement bibs cost $5.
Electronic timing equipment is used to ensure accurate results can be made available online within 24 hours of the event. We do everything possible to get everyone’s time correct, however if you spot something wrong please send an email to
info@devilbend.com so we can fix it.
Cut-off times
You may walk, crawl or run your event, so long as you are off the roads by noon.
On-the-day entries
On the day entries will be available if we have capacity. This event has sold out in 2016 and 2017 with people being turned away on the day, so early registration is encouraged to avoid disappointment.
Drinks on course
Water and electrolyte drinks will be provided on course. Fruit will be provided at the finish.
Bag drop
Yes there will be a bag drop area.
The course has been redesigned for 2019 and is now almost entirely on trails and therefore no longer suitable for
Bikes are not permitted, no exceptions.
Dogs are not permitted in Devilbend Natural Features reserve. A ranger will be on duty and will issue fines if necessary. Please leave your four-legged friends at home.
Toilets are available in the reserve and a couple will also be on course. Our event permit is at risk if just one person does the wrong thing in the wrong place!
There are a few bins in the reserve, however please help where you can by taking your rubbish home.
Food and drink
Coffee and light snacks will be available to purchase. There are also a few picnic tables and BBQ’s in the reserve if you’d like to BYO and make a day of it.
The beauty of this event is its rural setting. Unfortunately parking on rural dirt roads is limited. Please download and read the participants booklet for all details re parking.
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